Get a jump start on summer travel preparations and protect your automobile from theft with FREE Community Safety Day events from AAA Texas. The event will take place on Saturday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the AAA Texas branch located at 5431 S. Hulen Street, Fort Worth, Texas. Free services offered to members and those in the community will include on-site document shredding, vehicle maintenance checkups by AAA Approved Automotive Repair mechanics and vehicle identification number (VIN) etching by the Fort Worth Police Department to protect your vehicle from theft. All services will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis, as time and resources allow.
Document Shredding
AAA Texas is hosting free document shredding for AAA Texas members and non-members. Shredding unneeded documents protects you from identity theft, provides peace of mind, and saves the environment by recycling paper that would otherwise take up space in a landfill. AAA Texas members and the general public may shred up to five banker boxes or five paper grocery bags full of junk mail and personal papers.
Vehicle Maintenance Checkups
AAA Texas Approved Automotive Repair technicians will conduct a free 38-point visual vehicle maintenance inspection that includes review of:
• Tire Pressure
• Tire Tread
• Engine Air Filter
• Battery/Battery Cables/Clamps/Terminals
• Windshield Washer Fluid/Wiper Blades
• Engine Fluids
• Antifreeze/Coolant Protection
• Belts and Hoses
Following the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule found in the owner’s manual is the best way to keep a vehicle running properly and avoid costly repairs. Each visual maintenance inspection takes about ten minutes.
VIN Etching
The Fort Worth Police Department will provide free VIN etching to attendees. Since car thieves frequently steal vehicles to sell off the automobile’s parts, a vehicle that is VIN etched, where the vehicle identification number is etched onto the vehicle’s glass surfaces, makes the vehicle less profitable for thieves and helps law enforcement recover stolen vehicles. To be eligible for VIN etching, vehicle owners should bring their current insurance information.
Identify Theft Protection
Protect your personal identify with ProtectMyID®. Free for AAA members and fueled by Experian®, ProtectMyID® lets you detect and resolve identity threats, the fastest-growing crime in the U.S. with a new victim every two seconds. During this event, AAA Texas staff will help current members and new members sign up for this special member benefit and customize their identify-theft protection needs.
As North America’s largest motoring and leisure travel organization, AAA provides more than 59 million members with travel, insurance, financial and automotive-related services. Since its founding in 1902, the not-for-profit, fully tax-paying AAA has been a leader and advocate for the safety and security of all travelers. AAA Texas can be visited on the internet at