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AAA Texas to Offer First Virtual Child Passenger Safety Seat Workshop for Parents/Caregivers

Three out of four car seats are installed incorrectly

Coppell, TX Transportation and Traffic Safety
PHOTO_Child Passanger Safety WORKSHOP

This Saturday, June 19, 2021, AAA Texas will host its first-ever FREE, virtual Child Passenger Safety Seat workshop. 

Motor vehicle crashes remain the number one cause of death among children and three out of four car seats are installed incorrectly. With the new Child Passenger Safety Seat workshops, AAA Texas aims to educate more parents and caregivers about proper seat installation and save lives.

B-Roll Video for News Media

Kids in Car Seats (click link to download video)


“Now more than ever, as COVID infections decrease and road travel picks back up, parents need to be reminded and shown how to utilize child passenger safety seats correctly,” said Kara Thorp, AAA Texas public affairs specialist and certified child passenger safety technician. “When installed and utilized properly, child seats can reduce injuries between 45 to 71 percent.”

It is the law in Texas that children younger than 8 years old, unless they are taller than 4 feet 9 inches, must be properly restrained in a child safety seat or a booster seat when riding in a motor vehicle. Failure to do so can result in fines of up to $250, plus court costs according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

Beyond state law requirements, AAA will share additional recommendations from experts aimed at keeping children even more safe while riding in car seats. Attendees will also learn the basic elements of seat selection and installation, the differences among the different types of child seats and the most common installation mistakes made by parents/caregivers.

AAA Texas’ Child Passenger Safety Seat workshops will be offered several times throughout the year going forward. For more information on child seat safety visit and visit to register for an upcoming AAA Texas workshop. There is no charge to participate in these educational workshops.

Media Contacts

Daniel Armbruster
Public Affairs , (Dallas)

Kara Thorp
Community Relations Representative , AAA Texas (Austin)

CST 1016202-80 Copyright © AAA Texas, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
AAA Texas is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the state of Texas (with the exception of Texarkana).