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AAA Texas: Free San Antonio Teen Driver Safety Workshop Offered This Tuesday as ‘100 Deadliest Days’ for Young Drivers Are Upon Us

Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 6 to 7 p.m. at the San Antonio North AAA branch, located at 18160 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio, TX 78232.

San Antonio, TX Transportation and Traffic Safety
teen driver cropped

More than 10,000 teenagers in Texas are killed and injured each year due to car crashes, and car crashes remain the leading cause of death among teenagers across the country. To help educate teens and their parents about the licensing process and safe driving, AAA Texas will host a free workshop called Dare to Prepare. The workshop is designed for pre-permit teens ages 14 – 17 years and their parents/guardians.


AAA Teen Distraction Crash Study B-roll:

Courtesy: AAA Texas


The ‘100 Deadliest Days’ for teen drivers represents the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when teens are more likely be involved in fatal crashes. “There are more daily deaths from crashes involving teen drivers during the summer months than the rest of the year because teens tend to have more unstructured time behind the wheel,” said Kara Thorp, AAA Texas public affairs specialist.

Workshop topics will include:

  • State Graduated Driver Licensing requirements and restrictions
  • Risks and responsibilities of driving
  • Parent/guardian roles in the learning process
  • How to pick a safe vehicle
  • What to look for in a driving school
  • Safety information on distracted, impaired and drowsy driving
  • What to do when your car breaks down

The workshop will take place on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 6 to 7 p.m. at the San Antonio North AAA branch, located at 18160 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio, TX 78232.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required at or by calling 512-383-4342.Teens must participate with a parent or guardian.

About AAA: AAA provides more than 62 million members with automotive, travel, insurance and financial services through its federation of independently owned motor clubs and nearly 1,000 branch offices across North America. Since 1902, AAA has been a leader and advocate for the motorist and safe mobility. Drivers can request roadside assistance, identify nearby gas prices, locate discounts, book a hotel or map a route via the AAA Mobile app. AAA Texas branch offices throughout the state can be found by visiting Follow AAA Texas on Twitter: @AAATexas and Facebook:

Media Contacts

Kara Thorp
Community Relations Representative , AAA Texas (Austin)

CST 1016202-80 Copyright © AAA Texas, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
AAA Texas is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the state of Texas (with the exception of Texarkana).